Married for 29 years to Kathryn
1 daughter, Jennifer
My home is in Storrs, CT
OCCUPATIONAL/PROFESSIONAL: Retired in '97 from administrative, academic and finance position at the University of Connecticut
PET PEEVE: Many politicians, journalists, lawyers and judges
MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR TODAY'S YOUTH: Have the courage to take full advantage of all that life, especially in America, has to offer. Give back more during your life than you take, do so with a sense of humor.
P.S. Do no irreversible harm to yourself or others.
FAVORITE SONG TITLE: Too many to list at this point in my life. I like particular songs from a variety of styles rather than a particular style or astist(st)
THEN: There is no limit as to what society can do to "fix" people's lives.
NOW: There is a very substantial limit.
(ED. NOTE: Dick also observes that although life is not always fair, he believes you essentially get out of it what you put into it.)
MOST SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENT: Twenty-nine years of marriage combined with raising (with lots of luck) a terrific daughter.
HOPE YET TO DO: Live long enough to get to know any grandchildren I may have in the future, travel to each of the seven continents, circumnavigate the world, and ski in two feet of freshly fallen powder snow in Colorado, Wyoming and California