Gloria Sickles Calvino AKA



  Married for 9 1/2 years

  3 Children

  4 Grandchildren:  Ashley, 17; Cody 11; Connor 2 1/2; Kyla, 6 months

  My Home is in Lakeland, Florida -(Just moved from Walden, NY)


OCCUPATIONAL/PROFESSIONAL: Senior Clerk/Financial Aid Conselor/Orange County Community College, Middletown, NY

PET PEEVE:  People who don't read what is sent to them!

MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR TODAY'S YOUTH: Learn how to read, write and learn some manners!

FAVORITE SONG TITLE: "A Summer Place", "Who Wrote the Book of Love"


   THEN: I believed it was important to be popular

    NOW:  I have learned to value myself and that I don't need to fit the mold.  Also, I've learned that before       becoming a lover, one should become a friend

MOST SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENT:  That's 3 in 1: My children, all have either Master or Bachelor level degrees, good jobs, and are really nice people who are wonderful parents themselves.

HOPE YET TO DO: I've traveled a lot, been married a few times, had several really great affairs-I'd like to rest.

Gloria adds:

My husband has been retired for 10 years and I am looking forward to retirement within the next few months. We've built a new home in Lakeland, Florida and are in the process of trying to sell our home in Walden, NY.

I want to learn how to play golf and become a kid again before I'm too old or it's too late. After  my sister Joyce Pozar passed away 6 years ago, I put a plan in motion to live to the fullest, as we never know what God has in store for us.

I hope to come to the reunion. If I can't make it there, have a great time, and may God bless you, one and all!



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